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We believe that the Bible is God’s Word to all men. Scripture was inspired by God through human authors, and therefore does not contain error of any kind. It is our standard for truth, faith and mission.


We believe in the personal, triune God: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, eternally equal in Divine perfection and authority.

We believe that Jesus has eternally existed in complete union with the Father and the Holy Spirit. He walked this earth as completely God and completely man. In the fullness of time, He came to Earth by being born to a virgin, lived a perfect life, died for the sin of all mankind on a cross, was buried, and resurrected three days later sealing the victory over sin and death. He then ascended to the glory of Heaven and will return to earth to rule and reign forever. He is our living Savior who felt our pain, breathed our air, and walked our sod, but remains perfect in His holiness and love, justice and mercy, truth and grace.


We believe that the good news of the gospel is the story of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus as a payment for sin. The moment a person asks for forgiveness and receives Jesus into his/her life by faith, he/she becomes a child of God, and is personally indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Once God gives eternal life, it cannot be lost. When He saves someone, that person is redeemed forever and kept eternally secure in Christ.


We believe that a church is a local community of baptized believers unified through faith in Christ. This is expressed through a covenant relationship to obey Christ’s commands and taking the gospel to the world.


Baptism is a public declaration of your inward faith. The water does not have saving power – it pictures the decision of your heart to trust in Jesus. Being immersed in water pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. It is a public commitment to walk in newness of life as a Jesus follower.


Baptism is a public declaration of your inward faith. The water does not have saving power – it pictures the decision of your heart to trust in Jesus. Being immersed in water pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. It is a public commitment to walk in newness of life as a Jesus follower.

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International Missionary Baptist Church 25100 Lorraine Warren, Michigan 48089

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